I wonder Where My Halo Went . . .get the super glue

Friday, January 11, 2008


Where had the time gone?

It's been an interesting 6 months. We have experienced the laid back attitudes of the EAST COAST, which if you don't get used to it can be quite frustrating when you are used to GO GO GO, the drivers from out around the Bay who are so used to no lights and being the only one in the world driving, the SNOW, apparently we are having the 3rd snowiest December on record since 1942 and the nicest people who would do anything in the world for you, like our neighbor who plows our driveway when he is done working.

It's been a busy time, we have had to learn how to deal with MOUNTAINS of snow and how to drive in it again. The great thing is they really do clear the roads here so well. BUT we did however, purchase a new toy for us all to use, a snowblower. We also purchased a ski doo to have fun with but as soon as we purchased it, we got a snowstorm and it's been mild and great ever since so it's all melting away. I am sure we will get a chance to use though.

I am anxious for the summer so I can get out and plant a garden. It will be my first and I am hoping for a decent crop...maybe a few warped carrots but good enough to eat. ha ha

I don't get to be on here much anymore and am enjoying a new job now and we are all so busy. The girls are busy with school, Whipper is busy guilting us into giving her treats and it's exciting here these days with the anticpation of good things coming our way, in the air!
